Employment Legislation Publications

Labour Law Review 2002

By Jennifer Eady and Rebecca Tuck

Published in September 2002

The extended length of this year’s Labour Law Review reflects the increasing significance of the law at work. New statutory developments and continuing judicial interpretations may offer new opportunities but they also add to the complexity facing trade unionists at work. The aim of this Review is to clarify these developments and highlight the main implications of the leading cases.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Problems Facing Freelance Creators in the UK Media Market-Place

By Lionel Bently

Published in March 2002

This report, commissioned by the Creators’ Rights Alliance, documents serious concerns regarding the interests of creative workers (including authors, playwrights, journalists, directors, photographers, composers and musicians) whose rights are being abused on a massive scale.

Whistleblowing and the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998

By Catherine Hobby

Published in December 2001

Inquiries into disasters and scandals have shown that employees will often be the first to be aware of malpractice and corruption in the workplace. Yet prior to the introduction of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 workers who blew the whistle found they had little if any protection against unfair dismissal or victimisation.

Labour Law Review 2001

By Jennifer Eady and Rebecca Tuck

Published in September 2001

Over the last year there has been much discussion about UK workers developing a "compensation culture". Emphasis is placed on the increase in the number of cases going through the court and tribunal systems with particular focus on the associated increase in costs. Yet little is said about why there has been such an increase or indeed the nature of the cases.

Building on the National Minimum Wage by Bob Simpson

By Bob Simpson

Published in April 2001

This publication offers a timely review of the impact of the National Minimum Wage on individuals, businesses and the wider economy following the second anniversary of its implementation.

Bob Simpson considers the strengths and weaknesses of the legislation. He looks specifically at the exclusion of those under 18, the lower rate for those under 22 or undertaking training and the lack of adequate enforcement mechanisms.

Employment Rights at Work: Reviewing the Employment Relations Act 1999

Edited by Professor Keith Ewing

Published in January 2001

The Employment Relations Act 1999 is the most important piece of trade union legislation for a generation. Included in its terms are procedures for union recognition and representation, a framework of family friendly policies, new protections against unfair dismissal and powers to extend the scope and coverage of employment protection legislation.

This book, prepared by a distinguished team of trade unionists, social scientists and lawyers, offers a unique and timely overview of the legislation. Each essay considers an aspect of the Employment Relations Act, highlighting both the strengths and weaknesses of the legislation. More importantly, the book goes on to ask what more can be done?

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