The Institute of Employment Rights

Submitted by admin on Wed, 11/10/2006 - 17:17

What Is the Institute?

The Institute of Employment Rights is a think tank for the labour movement and a charity. We exist to inform the debate around trade union rights and labour law by providing information, critical analysis, and policy ideas through our network of academics, researchers and lawyers.

We were established in February 1989 as an independent organisation to act as a focal point for the spread of new ideas in the field of labour law. In 1994 the Institute became a registered charity.

John Hendy QC, Chair of the Institute of Employment Rights

"We hope to provide the labour movement with the information and history needed to develop an alternative and more equitable framework of labour law. British working people have suffered for too long from some of the worst terms and conditions, and fewer rights and freedoms at work, in the world. By providing comparative information and details of internationally accepted standards we hope to improve this situation"

What they say about us

Len McCluskey, General Secretary of Unite the Union

"The Institute of Employment Rights has worked tirelessly for a legal system that protects working people in the workplace. Working people should not be restricted by legislation but rather supported by legislation. Repeatedly the Institute has been at the forefront of campaigning to protect workers' rights and at the forefront of radical interpretation of the law. Their efforts should be commended by all."

Frances O'Grady, General Secretary of TUC

“The TUC has a long and fruitful association with the IER. Working together we’ve built a strong case for decent employment and trade union rights. We’ve won the argument. Now we need to win the campaign.”

The IER offer material that enables trade unions to push forward with their own just and equitable workplace agenda.”

Dave Prentis, General Secretary of Unison

“The IER brings together front line trade unionists and the leading experts to give the best possible critique of employment law and the Coalition Government.”

What do we do?

Employment law conferences and seminars

Our employment law conferences and seminars aim to update the labour movement on changes to legislation that affect employment and trade union rights, as well as provide critical analysis on current and future policy. Our speakers include politicians, trade unionists and top academics and lawyers in the field of employment rights. We have received consistently positive feedback from our delegates, who are typically trade unionists, lawyers, solicitors, academics and people with an interest in employment rights.

Each conference also comes with ample opportunity for delegates to join the debate and ask questions of our expert speakers.

Click here to browse our forthcoming employment law conferences and seminars

Employment law publications and journals

The Institute of Employment Rights normally publishes six employment law publications and journals a year. Our employment law books are written by some of the top experts in the field and provide critical analysis of the latest changes in employment law. Those who subscribe to the Institute of Employment Rights receive free access to all of our publications.

Click here to browse our employment law publications

Subscription services

Subscribers to the Institute of Employment Rights receive a package of benefits including free access to all of our employment law publications and reduced entry fees to our employment law conferences and seminars. Click here to subscribe to the Institute of Employment Rights

Commissioned Work

We conduct research and produce publications commissioned by other organisations, including trade unions. Our role in relation to the trade union movement is to provide expert analysis on policy and our commissioned work is a major part of offering this services.

Briefings and consultation responses

The Institute produces regular briefings on labour law, with our network of experts and academics providing critical analysis and recommendations on all aspects of employment rights and legislation.

The Institute also submits written consultation responses in the defense of employment rights when the government proposes new policy that could put them in danger.

Research Project Work

The Institute also undertakes collective research projects which aim to reveal the current situation for workers and investigate the best way forward for employment law.

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